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Victor Pelevin “Empire V”. Quotes.


Современный художник


Современный художник – это анальная проститутка с нарисованной жопой и зашитым ртом.  А галерист – это человек, который ухитряется состоять при ней сутенёром духа несмотря на абсолютную бездуховность происходящего.




Что самое важное для писателя? Это иметь злобное, омрачённое, ревнивое и завистливое эго.  Если оно есть, то всё остальное приложится.



My own translation



Modern Artist


A modern artist is an anal prostitute with a painted ass and sewn mouth.  And a gallerist is a person who manages to be a spiritual souteneur (pimp) for that artist despite the absolute non-existence of any spirituality of the reality.


Modern Writer


What is the most important thing for a writer?  To have a spiteful, malicious, darkened, jealous and envious ego.  If he has that, the rest will come.



Catchword: gallerist

Filed under: Language, English, Subject, Arts & Literature

Part of speechn.

Quotation: A fashionable new word is bubbling up in the New York art scene: gallerist, as a substitute for art dealer. Not, of course, just any art dealer. A gallerist is directly involved with the care and feeding of artists, rather than with the quick turnover of art objects.…Some suggest it derives from the French galeriste, long used by top gallery personages in France to distinguish themselves from the mere marchand de tableaux, or picture merchant. Others say it came from Germany, where galerist or galeristin denotes, respectively, a male or female gallery owner.

Source: http://www.doubletongued.org/index.php/citations/gallerist_1/



“man who lives on the earnings of or or more prostitutes under his protection,” 1906, from Fr., lit. “protector,” from soutenir “to sustain” (see sustain).


Source: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/souteneur

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